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© 0 Fauna, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Build applications without database limits

Trusted and loved by more than 80,000 development teams in over 102 countries

Our Mission

To make working with operational data productive, scalable and secure for every software development team.

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About Fauna

Our document-relational database, distributed globally, is accessible via a secure, cloud API. This architecture provides developers the flexibility and familiarity of JSON documents and the relationships and querying power of a traditional relational database. Developers can also program functions within Fauna to express business logic that is then executed as an ACID transaction in the context of their data — without ever worrying about database provisioning, scaling, sharding, or replication.

90,000+ Databases Created

3,700 Development Teams

102 Countries


Executive team


Eric Berg

Eric has 25+ years of experience growing multiple software and SaaS businesses. Previously he was the Chief Product Officer at Okta which he helped scale from inception to post IPO. He has also held leadership roles at Apptio, Microsoft, and Intel.

Matt Freels

Chief Architect
Matt is a co-founder at Fauna. He was formerly the technical lead of Twitter's database team. Previously, he worked at a gaming company acquired by Zynga. He works with Fauna's product and engineering teams to deliver on our technical vision.

Hassen Karaa

VP Product & Community
Hassen was formerly a Vice President at Okta where he spent 7 years in the product management function. He helped grow Okta from a startup with $5M of revenue to a public company with $700M in revenue and 6500 customers. Prior to that, he held product roles at Microsoft.

Tyson Trautmann

VP Engineering
Tyson was formerly the General Manager for AWS CodePipeline and CodeDeploy. He has 15+ years of experience building tools to develop, deploy, and operate large-scale distributed systems in both cloud and hybrid environments. He has held engineering leadership roles at Amazon, Microsoft, and Riot Games.

Matt Slagle

VP Sales
Matt comes from New Relic, where he spent 9 years and was most recently Group Vice President of Sales. He helped build New Relic from a $5M revenue startup with 80 employees into a $700M public company with 2000+ employees. He is passionate about building teams that partner with and delight their customers.
John Novak

John Novak

VP Marketing
John comes from Hiya, where he was CMO and instrumental in scaling the Series B company to 200M MAUs and north of $30M in revenue. Prior to that he led product marketing at Apptio and helped grow the business there through a 2016 IPO and later acquisition by Vista Equity Partners for ~$2B in 2018.

Board members


Bob Muglia


Cheryl Dalrymple

CFO, Confluent (Independent)

S. Somasegar

Investor, Madrona (Board member)

Aaron Schildkrout

Investor, Addition (Board observer)

Eric Berg


Evan Weaver


Institutional investors

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