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Delivering personalized content with Netlify’s Next.js Advanced Middleware and FaunaDelivering personalized content with Netlify’s Next.js Advanced Middleware and Fauna (1)Introducing Fauna’s SOC2 CertificationProduct Updates - July 2021Bridging on-chain and off-chain data in NFTs with FaunaBuilding scalable dApps with Ethereum, Polygon and FaunaAWS Aurora Serverless v2: Architecture, Features, Pricing, and Comparison with FaunaWhat is role-based access control (RBAC)?Postgres vs Fauna: Terminology and featuresHow to develop locally using serverless offlineIntro to modern JavaScript frameworksBatch vs. stream processing: Pros and consBest practices for testing GraphQL APIsHow to work with caching in GraphQLBest practices for GraphQL mutationsGraphQL vs REST: What’s the difference?GraphQL tutorial: How to get startedGetting started with Fauna and Cloudflare Workers User authentication in Fauna (an opinionated guide)What is Web3 and why is it important?Edge computing vs. cloud computing: What’s the difference? Fauna’s response to the Log4Shell zero-day vulnerabilityHow to scale a databaseDatabase security best practices for 2021: A guideHow to build an edge API gateway with Fastly's Compute@Edge and FaunaRDBMS vs. NoSQL: What’s the difference?How to fetch data from a database using Node.jsWhat is a database transaction?Comparing SPAs to SSG and SSRAuthenticating users with a blockchain wallet and FaunaTrusting FaunaReducing complexity by integrating through the databaseProduct Updates - October 2021 Authenticating users with AWS Cognito in FaunaHow to build microservices with Node.jsWhat is data governance?What is data residency?How to keep your serverless applications secureChoosing a database for your Node.js appReal world database latencyProduct Updates - September 2021Additional features to help you build faster!Evolving the structure of your Fauna databaseMigrating with user-defined functionsMigrating your GraphQL schema with FaunaDatabase as a Service (DBaaS) vs. Data APIs - ExplainedWhat exactly is a key-value store?Building a serverless REST API with AWS SAM and FaunaA comparison of transaction models in distributed document databasesModernizing from PostgreSQL to Serverless with Fauna Part 1Modernizing from PostgreSQL to Serverless with Fauna Part 2Building Fauna’s GDPR-compliant distributed and scalable database infrastructure with PulumiDatabase Requirements for Building GDPR-Compliant AppsMeet data residency requirements with Fauna Region GroupsNew Service Foundation and GTM Leadership to Accelerate Customer Success GloballyProduct updates - June 2021New in Fauna: Add Fauna to your Vercel applications in minutesAnnouncing Fauna LabsProduct updates - May 2021Deploying a REST API with AWS App Runner and FaunaRefreshing authentication tokens in FQLDetecting leaked authentication tokens in FQLChoosing an authentication strategy with FaunaBuilding the next generation search engine with Fauna and Cloudflare WorkersOur Core PrinciplesBuilding an image processing pipeline with Fauna's streamingModernizing from PostgreSQL to Serverless with Fauna Part 3Using Fauna's streaming feature to build a chat with Svelte


Fauna Engineering: Looking Back at 2019Comparing Fauna and DynamoDB pricingDynamoDB vs Fauna: Terminology and featuresWhat is Jamstack? How to Get Started What is GraphQL? Use Cases, Applications and DatabasesTransactional Databases - What You Need to KnowWhat is a Document Database?What is ACID Compliance?: Atomicity, Consistency, IsolationServerless Architecture: What Is It & How Does It Work?A Comparison of Serverless Function (FaaS) ProvidersBuilding a minimum viable full-stack with RedwoodJS and FaunaThe Why and How of Distributed Databases Building Modern Web Architectures With React & Next.jsHow Does Database Encryption Work?Setting up SSO authentication in Fauna with Auth0Write With Fauna - Calling all Fauna Enthusiasts!The Fauna Extension for Visual Studio CodeLive UI updates with Fauna’s real-time document streamingSetting advanced role-based access patterns in your SPA with Fauna and Auth0Announcing Built-in Collection IndexesLessons Learned Livin' La Vida JAMstackGetting started with FQL, Fauna’s native query language - part 1Getting started with FQL, Fauna’s native query language - part 2Getting started with FQL, Fauna’s native query language - part 5Core FQL concepts part 2: Temporality in FaunaCore FQL concepts part 3: Data aggregationClive - Hannon Hill Engagement Tool Built with FaunaGetting started with FQL, Fauna’s native query language - part 3Getting started with FQL, Fauna’s native query language - part 4Control theory for fun and profitAnnouncing Fauna API v3Core FQL concepts part 4: Range queries and advanced filteringCore FQL concepts part 5: JoinsThe next chapter for Fauna: $27M and new leadershipGetting started with Fauna and Node.js using FastifyIntroducing new capabilities for collaboration, third-party authentication and real-time streamingNew Engineering and Product Leadership @ Fauna


Try Fauna's GraphQL APIWhat is a Cloud Database?What is a Relational Database?NoSQL Databases - Non-relational Databases ExplainedBuilding a Serverless JAMStack app with Fauna: Part 1Building a Serverless JAMStack app with Fauna: Part 2A Comparison of Scalable Database Isolation LevelsDatabase Authority Andy Pavlo Joins Fauna as Technical AdvisorDemystifying Database Systems, Part 2: Correctness Anomalies Under Serializable IsolationDemystifying Database Systems, Part 3: Introduction to Consistency LevelsFauna's Official Jepsen ResultsRename with No Regrets: One Check to Make Before You Upgrade Your Fauna DriverSerializability vs “Strict” Serializability: The Dirty Secret of Database Isolation LevelsGetting Started with GraphQL, Part 3: The Unique DirectiveGetting Started with GraphQL, Part 2: RelationsGetting Started with GraphQL, Part 1: Importing and Querying Your SchemaBuilding a Job Posting Platform with Fauna and ApolloServerless Change Capture for Ruby on RailsFQL: Boosting Developer Productivity with String FunctionsLearning FQL, Part 1: Fauna Schema ObjectsLearning FQL, Part 2: Create, Read, Update, and Delete Operations (CRUD)Getting Started with GraphQL, Part 4: Updating your SchemaHow Fauna's GraphQL API Solves the n+1 ProblemHow Fauna Saves JAMstack Developers from Data LossAnnouncing Fauna’s membership in GraphQL FoundationABAC + GraphQLAnnouncing UDF in ConsoleLearning FQL, Part 3: Database Access KeysThe world’s best serverless database, now with native GraphQLAnnouncing New FQL FeaturesFauna Serverless Scheduling: Cooperative Scheduling with QoSAnnouncing Advanced String and Aggregate Functions in FQLAnnouncing the Fauna Add-on for NetlifyAnnouncing New Functions in FQLBack to the Future with Relational NoSQLCode Splitting in React with Lazy ComponentsDemystifying Database Systems, Part 1: An Introduction to Transaction Isolation LevelsDemystifying Database Systems, Part 4: Isolation levels vs. Consistency levels