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Fauna Support and Service Level Agreement

Updated July 17, 2023

This Fauna Support and Service Level Agreement (“SLA”) describes Fauna’s support and service level offering in connection with an applicable executed subscription agreement (the "Agreement") between Fauna and Customer. Capitalized terms not defined in this SLA have the meaning given to them in the Agreement.

I. Support Tiers and Benefits

A. Support Tiers. Fauna customer support (“Fauna Support”) is generally designed to provide technical assistance with bugs, defects, or other errors (“Errors”) in connection with the Services. Customer must designate at least one primary contact with administrator privileges (a “Customer Contact”) for assistance with Errors. Customer shall receive Support only as set forth in an applicable Agreement. Currently, Fauna offers three tiers of Support: Standard, Business and Premier. Each tier builds upon the prior tier (e.g. Premier includes everything from Business). Business and Premier tiers are offered only if set forth in an Order Form (i.e. they are not options for month-to-month Agreements). Fauna reserves the right to change features in a tier or add new tiers at any time, provided that no changes will result in material degradation for contracted Support levels.

B. Standard Support. In connection with Standard Support, Fauna shall provide remote assistance to Customer Contacts for questions or issues arising from an Error, such as troubleshooting, diagnosis, and recommendations for potential workarounds (each a “Support Case”). Customer may escalate a Support Case using the support escalation process in this SLA (and the Documentation, if applicable). Customer Contacts may contact Fauna Support for assistance with Support Cases by submitting a Support request in the web interface of the Services as described in the Documentation or by submitting a Support request to Customer Contacts must be reasonably proficient in the use and functionality of the Services and familiar with the Documentation and agree to use reasonable diligence to ensure a perceived Error is not an issue with Customer equipment, software, or internet connectivity. 

C. Business Support. If Customer has subscribed to the Business Support tier, in addition to all Standard Support benefits, Fauna Support shall provide case management for handling Severity Level 1 and Severity Level 2 Support Cases during Fauna standard business hours, Customer may contact Fauna Support via Slack, and Fauna shall provide Customer faster response times as described in Table 2 below.

D. Premier Support. If Customer has subscribed to the Premier Support tier, in addition to all Standard and Business Support benefits and faster response times, Fauna Support shall provide follow-the-sun case management for handling Severity Level 3 or higher priority Support Cases to facilitate uninterrupted support by utilizing resources across multiple time zones. Customer Contacts with Premier Support may also contact Fauna Support by phone solely for purposes of having the Support request submitted on their behalf.

E. Submission of Support Cases. Each Support Case shall: (1) designate the Severity Level of the Error in accordance with Table 1 below; (2) identify the Customer account that experienced the error; (3) include sufficiently detailed information to allow Fauna Support to effectively assess the Error (including any relevant error messages, but not export-controlled data, personal data (except as required), sensitive data, regulated data, or Customer Data); and (4) provide accurate contact information for the Customer Contact(s) most familiar with the issue. The Customer Contact(s) shall also provide Fauna Support with any other important Support Case information in a timely manner if requested by Fauna. For clarity and emphasis, please note that any information submitted pursuant to a Support Case shall not be considered Customer Data. Unless Customer expressly designates the Severity Level, the Support Case will have a default designation of Severity Level 4. If Customer believes the issue to be related to Customer software, then the Support Case shall also include the applicable Client Software log files. If a Customer Contact submits a Support Case related to enhancement or feature requests, Fauna will deem the Support Case closed once the request has been forwarded internally.

F. Other Support and Training. Fauna also offers various support and training resources such as community forums, FAQs and user guides available on the Fauna Community and the Documentation. Additionally, Fauna offers fee-based consultation and training services via Statements of Work, which may be incorporated into an Agreement.

G. Error Response. Upon receipt of a Support Case, Fauna Support will assess the Error based on the information submitted and the definitions in Table 1 below, and if Fauna believes Customer’s Severity Level designation is incorrect, Fauna will promptly notify Customer. If Customer then identifies a reasonable basis for disagreeing with the Severity Level proposed by Fauna, the parties each will make a good faith effort to agree on the appropriate Severity Level designation in a timely manner, although Fauna reserves the right to unilaterally make a designation in good faith if the parties cannot agree. Fauna shall then use commercially reasonable efforts to meet the Initial Response Time Target set forth in Table 2 below for the applicable Severity Level, subject to Availability as described in Table 2.

Table 1: Error Severity Level Definitions
Severity Level 1 (Critical Severity) An Error that (a) renders the Services completely inoperative, or (b) makes Customer’s use of material features of the Services impossible, with no alternative available.
Severity Level 2 (High Severity) An Error that (a) has a high impact to key portions of the Services, or (b) seriously impairs Customer’s use of material features of the Services and Customer cannot reasonably circumvent or avoid the Error on a temporary basis without the expenditure of significant time or effort.
Severity Level 3 (Medium Severity) An Error that has a medium-to-low impact on the Services, but Customer can still access and use some functionality of the Services.
Severity Level 4 (Low Severity) An Error that has low-to-no impact on Customer’s access to and use of the Services.
Table 2: Severity Level Response Times
Metric Standard Support Business Support Premier Support
Availability 8 hours a day 5 days a week (Mon-Fri PST) 8 hours a day 5 days a week (Mon-Fri PST) 24 hours a day 7 days a week
Severity Level 1 Response Time 8 business hours 4 business hours 30 min
Severity Level 2 Response Time 16 business hours 8 business hours 2 hours
Severity Level 3 Response Time 4 business days 2 business days 4 hours
Severity Level 4 Response Time 5 business days 3 business days 1 day

II. Service Level Agreement

This SLA establishes an uptime commitment applicable only Services executed pursuant to Order Forms. The commitment applies only for Qualifying Customers and are subject to the limitations described in Section E. 

A. Definitions:

“Monthly Uptime Percentage” means, with respect to any customer workload running against the Services, for any consecutive 5-minute interval with a minimum of 60 requests per minute, a Request Error Rate less than or equal to 5%.

“Region Group” is a logical container of one or more cloud provider regions that defines where data is replicated (such as United States or Europe).

“Request Error Rate” is the percentage of Valid Requests for which the service responds with an HTTP status code of 500, 502, 503, or 504.

"Services” have the same meaning ascrbied to them in an Agreement or Order Form.

“Service Credits” are a discount for future services that may not be redeemed or exchanged for cash.

“Qualified Customers” are Customers than have executed an Order Form for Services with a commitment of at least one year.

B. Service Level Commitment

Fauna will make commercially reasonable efforts to ensure that the Services are available with a Monthly Uptime Percentage of 99.95% for each Region Group. In the event Fauna does not meet this commitment, Fauna may issue Service Credits to Qualified Customers as set forth in Section C. Section C sets forth all remedies in connection with Service Level Commitments.

C. Service Credit

If Fauna fails to meet its Service Level Commitment, Qualified Customers will be eligible to receive Service Credits as described below (expressed as Monthly Uptime Percentage). 

99-99.95%: 10% discount of the current month

95-98.99%: 25% discount of the current month

<95%: 50% discount of the current month

D. Claiming Services Credit

All Qualified Customers who meet the eligibility criteria for Service Credits and believe that they have experienced a Monthly Uptime Percentage below the thresholds set forth in Section C in a Region Group can request Service Credits by opening a support ticket with Company. Service Credits will be granted based on the lowest actual availability among any Region Group where the customer has an active database. 

E. SLA Exclusions 

Fauna will not provide service credits assume nor assume any liability for failure to meet the established Monthly Uptime Percentage to the extent arising from any of the following:

  1. Customer processing of Customer Data in the Services other than in accordance with Fauna’s recommended use of the Services.
  2. Customer equipment.
  3. Third-party acts, or services and/or systems not provided by or on behalf of Fauna. 
  4. Force Majeure Events 
  5. Any use of the Services other than through an Agreement (this includes evaluation or other free uses of the Services, proof-of-concept use of the Services, and month-to-month use).
  6. Use of Services features or functionality that are subject to preview terms (e.g., beta functionality not intended for production use).