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The serverless database without limits for startups building on AWS Activate

fauna and aws

A distributed and strongly consistent transactional database for AWS workloads

Customers building with Fauna and AWS gain access to a composable architecture that optimizes for feature development instead of operational overhead. For use cases built on AWS where consistency, flexibility, and scalability are top-level considerations, Fauna delivers superior performance without the engineering burden of other managed database services.

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Fauna and AWS integration benefits

Fauna’s serverless compute and data platform paired with AWS solutions accommodate use cases that require a strongly consistent database that can scale without extensive engineering and maintenance

Built-in interoperability

Fauna is designed and delivered as an API; this means for ephemeral functions like AWS Lambda and applications delivered on the edge, instead of having to maintain costly connection pooling, Fauna is accessed through an HTTP call–no TCP/IP connections required.

Data model + access pattern flexibility

Fauna has a document-relational data model that combines the flexibility of NoSQL with the relational querying capabilities and ACID consistency of SQL systems, with native GraphQL support built-in. AWS users no longer need to concern themselves with adopting a secondary RDBMS to compensate for the limitations of a traditional NoSQL database.

Increased development velocity & performance

Fauna is a native serverless database that takes care of provisioning, scaling, sharding, replication, correctness, and more. Meanwhile, it’s distributed by default - which complements AWS serverless solutions and event-driven architectures built on EventBridge, Step Functions, and Lambda.

A database made for your AWS workload


Zero operations

Fauna was built with serverless architectures in mind from day one. Our strongly consistent, multi-region distributed database with usage-based pricing enables you to focus on building features and not capacity planning, maintaining, and scaling your database.



Unlike typical NoSQL document databases, Fauna retains the strengths of traditional RDBMS software, with support for foreign keys, views, joins, and server-side functions.  And, unlike traditional RDBMS monoliths, Fauna offers distributed, strongly consistent transactions at scale.


No connection pools

Fauna is accessed through an API call over HTTP and is stateless. You can call Fauna directly from your FaaS functions like AWS Lambda and not worry about cold starts or connection pools.


Strongly consistent

Fauna was built to ensure data consistency under highly concurrent workloads, a necessity for modern application workloads. Features like Backup and Restore and Attribute-based access control (ABAC) give your teams fine-grain security controls to protect your data.

Pick your plan

AWS Activate members receive a 20% discount

Free Plan

Explore and start building for free today!

The monthly capacity is 100k read ops, 50k write ops, 500k compute ops, and 5GB storage.

Full community support and monthly limits enforced.

Get Started for Free

Annual (Save 10%)


Annual plans are billed upfront when you sign up, with on-demand usage charged monthly.

AWS Activate Individual

For professional developers building production applications

from $18/month

Sign Up


  • Fauna core (FQL & GraphQL)
  • Native authentication
  • Built-in authorization (ABAC)
  • Temporality (24 hour retention)
  • Event streaming
  • Multi-factor authentication
  • Unlimited capacity
  • Third party authentication

Quota (per month)

  • $25 worth of usage
  • Metered overages


  • Community

AWS Activate Team

For teams of developers building rich applications     

from $108/month


  • Features in the Individual plan
  • Team management
  • Temporality (7 day retention)
  • Backup and restore
  • Logging

Quota (per month)

  • $150 worth of usage
  • Metered overages


  • Helpdesk with 24 business hours response time

AWS Activate Business

For enterprise teams building full-featured, global applications

from $360/month


  • Features in the Team plan
  • Temporality (unlimited retention)
  • Preview sandbox

Quota (per month)

  • $500 worth of usage
  • Metered overages


  • Helpdesk with 8 business hours response time

Virtual Private Fauna

Fauna running across your choice of geo and cloud

Custom Pricing


  • All features of the Business Plan
  • Choose your geography and cloud provider across one or multiple regions
  • Single-tenant, VM level isolation
  • Serverless experience, delivered via an API

Included capacity

  • Configurable baseline
  • On-demand usage above baseline


  • Premium support available

Learn more about Fauna + AWS

Fauna is a proud AWS Partner. Check out these sample apps, workshops, and case studies to start building with Fauna and AWS.

Achieving multi-region reliability with AWS Step Functions and Fauna

Read more

Fauna Workshop with AWS Lambda, Step Functions, & API Gateway

Start workshop

Fauna and AWS customer Hannon Hill innovates faster with Lambda, API Gateway, and Fauna

Read more

Ready to get started?

Launch a new app, modernize an existing app, and scale seamlessly across regions.

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