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An operations-free, scalable and flexible alternative to Postgres

Validated by Jepsen, Fauna is a global, ACID-compliant document database. It’s delivered as a serverless, Global API and works with your preferred programming language.

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Stop babysitting your database and build for the future

While Postgres is easy to get started with, it can quickly become a source of pain for developer teams. Many applications built initially on Postgres hit scaling limits, and SQL’s connection model doesn’t fit with serverless architectures.

Fauna manages all database operations for you, ensuring scalability, durability, and high availability. You and your team can focus on building your app’s differentiated features and services instead.

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You don’t have to choose between scale and consistency

Fauna is verified correct by Jepsen and scales with you as you grow. No more compromising consistency for scale and availability. Rely on Fauna’s industry-leading strict serializability guarantees and build your application your way. Explore how you can simplify code and increase productivity with Fauna’s powerful capabilities:  


Flexible and powerful data modeling

No matter what type of data you need to model, Fauna’s indexed, document-relational data model allows everything from column, document, and graph data modeling.



Building SaaS? Fauna’s best-of-breed multi-tenancy lets you operationally isolate your customers without provisioning extra capacity, and ensure their security without having to add tenant columns and filters to every table and query.


Data temporality

Implementing temporality in an SQL database is difficult and impacts performance. Protect yourself from developer error, support auditability, and add time travel features to your application with Fauna’s native temporality feature.


Low latency

Fauna serves queries from the location closet to the application or client for both reads and writes.


Zero operations

No more sharding, provisioning, replica management, or other capacity planning typically required of SQL and NoSQL databases.


Multi-cloud replication

Fauna protects your data with semi-synchronous real-time replication to multiple cloud regions and infrastructure providers, guaranteeing durability, and high availability without undermining consistency.

What's the buzz about?

Our customers love Fauna because it is productive, modern, uncompromising and operations-free.

Fauna is the data API of choice for our applications. The rich, versatile feature set helps us build business logic faster. It performs and auto scales irrespective of the load or size of data. It eliminates our database maintenance and operations overheads, thereby speeding up development while reducing costs. Furthermore, it is backed by an awesome user community and customer support that we love.

Artur Tomusiak, Sr. Software Engineer at Hannon Hill

Fauna is the data API of choice for our applications. The rich, versatile feature set helps us build business logic faster. It performs and auto scales irrespective of the load or size of data. It eliminates our database maintenance and operations overheads, thereby speeding up development while reducing costs. Furthermore, it is backed by an awesome user community and customer support that we love.

Our testing suggests that Fauna offers serializability, and, optionally, strict serializability, in only one cross-datacenter round-trip ... Calvin-based systems like Fauna could play an important future role in the distributed database landscape.

Kyle Kingsbury, Principal,

Our testing suggests that Fauna offers serializability, and, optionally, strict serializability, in only one cross-datacenter round-trip ... Calvin-based systems like Fauna could play an important future role in the distributed database landscape.

Learn more

Getting started with Fauna is easy! Just follow our quick start guide, or browse through our resources to better understand the differences between Fauna and Postgres.


Postgres vs Fauna: Technical Comparison

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shift x video

Case Study: How ShiftX Uses Fauna

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Case Study: How EIDU Uses Fauna

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