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A global serverless database for all your applications

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Databases remain a key challenge to serverless development

RDBMS systems designed in the 1970s did not scale. To solve this problem, NoSQL databases sacrificed correctness and flexibility, while NewSQL databases sacrificed operational simplicity and performance. Neither were built for the serverless era. As application architecture evolves to embrace cloud APIs, serverless functions, and microservices, you need a database that is also API-first, scales with your http calls, and does so without sacrificing the rich queries, flexibility and performance that you need.

Fauna is a flexible, developer-friendly, transactional database available as a secure, cloud API with native GraphQL. With an innovative query model that lets you encapsulate business logic into programmable functions executed close to your data, Fauna boosts application performance and accelerates development. With Fauna, you never again worry about database provisioning, maintenance, scaling, sharding, replication, or correctness. If you're building fullstack applications with serverless functions and a modern programming environment, you will love Fauna even more!

Build applications without limits

Fauna is the first serverless native database with the flexibility of the document model and the power of a relational database. Fauna lets you modernize your OLTP infrastructure to a 100% serverless approach without sacrificing the capabilities that developers need for building rich business applications. Whether you’re developing new microservices or augmenting existing services and applications, Fauna lets you build, scale, and migrate with no ops.


A serverless invocation model

Fauna is web-native. Your serverless functions, microservices, browser and mobile clients can invoke Fauna via http, without limiting number of concurrent connections. There are no connection pools to manage. No limits to scale. And no cold starts.


More powerful and expressive queries

Write document queries, relational queries (including joins), graph traversals, basic search or a combination. Similar to stored procedures, Fauna lets you create UDFs that encapsulate powerful business logic easily accessible from code via an API call.


Web-native security

With a built-in authorization and a fine-grained security framework that leverages modern standards, Fauna makes it simple to implement your data security rules and leverage third party services like Auth0.


100% ACID

Built on a ground-breaking distributed data and compute engine, Fauna is a transactional database with strictly serializable transaction isolation. With Fauna, all your reads and writes are transactional, yet fast.


Built-in geo-replication

Fauna automatically distributes your data within your selected geography and keeps it consistent. Consequently, you get predictable low latency read/write access no matter where your customers are.


Zero operations at any scale

Say goodbye to data sharding, capacity provisioning, and database administration tasks typically associated with legacy SQL and NoSQL cloud services. Fauna scales transparently and takes care of all the data operations.

What's the buzz about?

Our customers love Fauna because it is productive, modern, uncompromising and operations-free.

Fauna is the data API of choice for our applications. The rich, versatile feature set helps us build business logic faster. It performs and auto scales irrespective of the load or size of data. It eliminates our database maintenance and operations overheads, thereby speeding up development while reducing costs. Furthermore, it is backed by an awesome user community and customer support that we love.

Artur Tomusiak, Sr. Software Engineer at Hannon Hill

Fauna is the data API of choice for our applications. The rich, versatile feature set helps us build business logic faster. It performs and auto scales irrespective of the load or size of data. It eliminates our database maintenance and operations overheads, thereby speeding up development while reducing costs. Furthermore, it is backed by an awesome user community and customer support that we love.

Our testing suggests that Fauna offers serializability, and, optionally, strict serializability, in only one cross-datacenter round-trip ... Calvin-based systems like Fauna could play an important future role in the distributed database landscape.

Kyle Kingsbury, Principal,

Our testing suggests that Fauna offers serializability, and, optionally, strict serializability, in only one cross-datacenter round-trip ... Calvin-based systems like Fauna could play an important future role in the distributed database landscape.

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