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The serverless database for agencies

Fauna is a fully-featured database, built for a serverless world, that eliminates the headaches of database management, so you can focus on solving business problems.

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Fauna Serverless

A serverless database is essential to modern web development

Agencies are always working with changing requirements, limited timelines, and uncertain use cases. As you adopt serverless development and Jamstack, legacy databases and backend frameworks cause friction when trying to engage in iterative development cycles. Even the best scoped projects would be better served by a database that can embrace flexibility, scale effortlessly, and work with new development paradigms. Agencies looking to build top notch experiences and ship faster should be investing in a serverless database that delivers the same development experience as their modern stacks.

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Fauna for the Modern Agency

Fauna is a developer-friendly, flexible, and full-featured transactional database, delivered to you as a secure, web-native API.  Fauna allows agencies to deliver on projects of any size, faster and with greater flexibility than ever before. By delivering its capabilities as a data API with native GraphQL support, your team can be up and running instantly in any architecture you choose. Don’t get bogged down by local development setups, managing migrations, schemas, backups or trying to guess the future scale of an application. Fauna handles all of this for you so you can focus on the things clients care about.


NoSQL database built for agility

Fauna is a schemaless, document-centric database that allows for agile workflows, and iterative development under changing requirements. The learning curve is low for teams and since Fauna is cloud native you’ll never have to deal with keeping team members databases in sync or local setups again.


ACID Transactions and relational data support

Fauna achieves ACID transactions in its globally distributed database as well as supports relational data workflows. This makes it perfect for global e-commerce experiences where data consistency and support for transactions is a top priority.


Powerful Queries and native GraphQL

Fauna’s query language, FQL, allows you to compose powerful queries in the language of your application. Fauna also natively supports access to data via GraphQL API. Just upload your schemas and you can access your data from the client or server with a simple API call. It’s perfect for serverless, Jamstack, and even more traditional backend applications.


Zero operational overhead

Never worry about backing up data, provisioning resources, sharding, or distribution again. Fauna replicates your data automatically, so you don’t have to worry about loss of your client’s data. Fauna is hosted across multiple cloud providers, distributed globally, and built for resilience. It’s a truly serverless experience for your data.


Automatic scale, delivered transparently and on-demand

Forget about trying to estimate the data needs of new client projects. Fauna is globally available and scales automatically under any load. You never need to worry about selecting regions, data sharding, nor provisioning larger databases and machines. Fauna scales up and down with any application, as needed, and ensures global data consistency. You can easily see your database use in the dashboard and plan budgets accordingly.


Pay as you go pricing

When it comes to anticipating client needs, pricing can be a major hurdle when provisioning a database. Trying to account for budgetary constraints alongside future data needs is a delicate balancing act. With Fauna you don’t have to worry about finding the right balance between power and cost. Fauna’s pay-as-you-go pricing model makes it easy to get started for free and ensures you only pay for what you use. This makes it perfect for client projects of all sizes as well as clients that have spikes in data requests at different times of the year.

What's the buzz about?

Our customers love Fauna because it is productive, modern, uncompromising and operations-free.

Fauna’s native Query Language (FQL) combined with the ability to create our own database functions blew our minds. Fauna has elevated the experience of working with databases and turned it into something far more functional and creative.

Brian Webster, Co-Founder at Delicious Simplicity

Fauna’s native Query Language (FQL) combined with the ability to create our own database functions blew our minds. Fauna has elevated the experience of working with databases and turned it into something far more functional and creative.

The Fauna team truly understands what the next generation of web technologies require to succeed. We choose Fauna for its next-generation serverless stacks with GraphQL, global data and on-demand scalability, and powerful business logic with FQL.

Marc Ammann, Principal at Matter Supply Co

The Fauna team truly understands what the next generation of web technologies require to succeed. We choose Fauna for its next-generation serverless stacks with GraphQL, global data and on-demand scalability, and powerful business logic with FQL.

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Getting started with Fauna is easy! Just follow our quick start guide, or browse through our resources to better understand how Fauna works.


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Getting started with GraphQL

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Building a Serverless Jamstack App with Fauna

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Case Study: How Cause Of A Kind Uses Fauna

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