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Fauna for Decentralized Applications

Build scalable dApps with a distributed and secure off-chain database.

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Improve user experience and off-chain data security

Data from dApps are primarily stored on-chain to ensure transactions are immutable — leading to scalability and performance limitations. Secure and performant off-chain databases are critical to store sensitive dApp metadata and improve user experience.

Ensure sensitive data is secure

dApp transactions are stored on chain, but sensitive app metadata (i.e., user login info) should be stored off-chain. It’s critical that this off-chain database is secure.

Reduce dApp latency

Storing all your data on chain comes with a cost: high gas fees and added application latency. To ensure a good user experience for their dApps, teams must reduce application latency as they scale.

Common off-chain data concerns for dApps

Data security

dApps must achieve high security and reliability across their data storage systems and avoid exposing any sensitive data in all chains and databases.

Interoperability with ecosystem

The dev tools ecosystem is still being built out for dApps. When dealing with data, GraphQL is quickly becoming the interface language for building and querying APIs for dApps. 

Database administration

Developers choose technologies with the goal of building. Databases have historically been administratively cumbersome and a part of the stack that dev teams avoid.

Fauna can help, this is how

Fauna accelerates your dApp's time to market by enabling you to focus on building functionality for your dApps instead of thinking about provisioning, patching, and other database administrative tasks.

Database security

Attribute-based Access Control (ABAC)

Fauna’s ABAC enables dApps to  reduce the chances of security breaches - dynamically define privileges on the database based on user attributes, the documents to be accessed or modified, or context during a transaction (for example, time of day) by assigning roles to users so only certain team members can access and change data. 


Built-in GraphQL support

Leverage GraphQL to create and query your databases while leveraging powerful features like streaming, temporality, and other critical database functionality directly from your application code.


Zero operations

Focus on features and delivering value. Leave database provisioning, replication, scaling, sharding, and database tasks that don’t contribute to releasing your dApp to Fauna.

What's the buzz about?

Our dApp customers love Fauna because it is secure, GraphQL-native, and operations-free.

Once we realized there were off-chain data components to our architecture, Fauna just made the most sense. It really allowed us to have flexibility and scalability for supporting us as a startup today and enables us to continue to grow.

Emma-Jane MacKinnon-Lee, CEO Digitalax

Once we realized there were off-chain data components to our architecture, Fauna just made the most sense. It really allowed us to have flexibility and scalability for supporting us as a startup today and enables us to continue to grow.

We build modern technologies for managing large scale data solutions that require real-time processing and proof of transaction authenticity. We use Fauna as part of the serverless architecture because it meets our needs for scale and real-time performance.

Jim Nasr, CEO at Acoer

We build modern technologies for managing large scale data solutions that require real-time processing and proof of transaction authenticity. We use Fauna as part of the serverless architecture because it meets our needs for scale and real-time performance.

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Building scalable dApps with Ethereum, Polygon and Fauna

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NFT Bridge

Bridging on-chain and off-chain data in NFTs with Fauna

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Building integrated centralized and decentralized applications

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